

This is what I want things to sound like

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shave me floyd

shaving fully today for the first time in months. its going to feel good. ive been feeling too weird lately and i think the sensation of shaving will help. its been on my face too long.

this weekend was cool. played a show and people liked it. im kind of getting frustrated though. want to do something new but i dont really know how to go about that. im thinking about trying to learn a brand new instrument. i think the feeling of learning a new instrument is really positive. you approach writing songs in a different way than with an instrument you already know. i remember writing songs on guitar without really knowing how to play it and i think those are still some of the more interesting songs i have written. by learning an intstrument there are no rules, no limitations, no preconceptions, you just do what sounds good.

i have a lot on my plate for the next couple of weeks. i really just want summer to start, more time for smiles and less time for sitting.


the other direction

got some sick new comics in duvall. and some great asian snacks in fall city. and almost got a mug at snoqualmie falls. i got a dank hot chocolate though. too dank. and i got some rad comics at a book store in duvall. and i got a rad batman book (the dark knight returns) and a sweet yellow firefighter shirt from value village. and i got 50 bucks for selling a desk on craigslist. i love how that site still looks like shit. saturday ruled!



its weird how hard it is for people to acknowledge others in non-social settings. like walking to and from class or something or seeing someone you know on teh street. its really hard for people to say hi to eachother in those situations. maybe its because we dont know what level of acquaintance initiates when we should say hi to someone. i dunno. it just shouldnt be as hard as it is.

anyways heres a song and video i made. its mostly for my brother. i said i would write a song about us so i did. the video has a bunch of stuff he likes and used to like in it like halo, megan fox, exo squad, nerf guns, ken griffey and other stuff.

Prodigious from robert borrego on Vimeo.


howard the duck

fast forward to 4:20 if you want to see duck breasts.